When I started bodybuilding
, I used to dream of having a hump at the sides of my neck – I wanted to highlight my traps! I tried several bodybuilding exercises and alas! I did it.
Here is the list of exercises I’ve done so far in highlighting my traps:
· Shoulder barbell shrug – front
· Shoulder barbell shrug – behind back
· Military barbell press – behind back
· Upright row (barbell, dumbbell, cable)
Plus: Bent over barbell row - for middle and lower traps
Plus: Bent over barbell row - for middle and lower traps
I recommend doing one set warm up of 8-10 repetitions of each exercises, then 3 succeeding sets of 8-10 repetitions each, completing 4 sets. I am doing these exercises with 30 seconds to 1 minute rest period each set.
I also recommend the ascending weight program – start with the weight that you can perform with 8-10 reps with ease, then keep on increasing the weight until the 4th set. It is okay if the number of repetitions decreases. As you perform the exercises repeatedly in an every-other-day session, endurance and strength will increase as well as muscle bulk!
You will see that your traps is highlighted at the sides of your neck in weeks! That is, if you do the exercises correctly and regularly.
Click Here! and see how your bodybuilding exercises can make the sculptured body you always wanted.Good luck buddy!
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