In this article we will be looking at the best bodybuilding foods
Eating a clean diet is perhaps the most important aspect in gaining muscle, keeping fit and helping prevent all kinds of diseases in later life. I will not go in to too much detail on what to eat and when, but in order to gain muscle or lose fat, you should be eating six or seven small, protein and nutrient rich, meals every two to three hours every day. Along with the six or seven nutrient rich meals, you should also consume between two and three litres of pure water every day.
With so much talk about supplements in the media, it’s easy to understand why many inexperienced bodybuilders, powerlifters and fitness enthusiasts think that supplements are the key to gaining muscle mass, but this could not be further from the truth. The reality is that supplements will do almost nothing at all to add muscle mass to your frame if your diet and training is not good, with the only exception being a good whey protein supplement and anabolic steroids. This is something most of us find out after wasting hundreds of pounds on the latest fad supplement promising rapid muscle gains and getting no real results. Some FDA reports, estimate the health supplement industry alone to be worth 20 billion dollars and growing and so it’s easy to see why there is so much misinformation flying around when it comes to bodybuilding supplements. Not surprisingly many so called experts will be happy to lie to you about the latest supplements when money is involved. Food is far, far more important than any supplement money can buy. If you think top bodybuilders got big by taking the latest creatine supplement then you are very, very mistaken. Professional bodybuilders are paid to endorse supplements that most of them will never use. The freaky physiques you see in muscle magazines were built with a great diet, steroids, almost perfect genetics and years of hard training and discipline.
Diet is probably the most crucial aspect of gaining muscle mass or losing body fat, besides training, and a good knowledge of these essential bodybuilding foods will help you gain the physique you desire. If everyone ate these wonderful foods everyday and nothing else, obesity would be almost non existent and we would see a massive decline in all kinds of diseases around the developed world. A good bodybuilding diet is also one that is extremely good for your overall health and well-being. There is nothing complicated about muscle building nutrition and for the most part it relies on a common sense healthy diet with plenty of protein from lean meat and lots of vegetables and complex carbohydrates.
The Best Foods For Bodybuilders And Powerlifters
The following foods should form the main part of every bodybuilder and powerlifters diet. If you base your diet around these foods you will gain more muscle, stay stronger and feel much healthier.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is without doubt the carbohydrate of choice for bodybuilders and should be one of your main sources of carbohydrate.
Brown rice: Another really useful complex carbohydrate that should be a stable in your bodybuilding diet.
Egg whites: Egg whites are a fantastic source of protein rich in all the amino acids needed for muscle growth.
Steak: Steak is one of the best sources of protein for anyone looking to build muscle. It is rich in iron, creatine and protein.
Chicken breast: A fantastic source of protein that contains little to no carbohydrate or fat
Salmon and tuna: Both salmon and tuna are full of protein, have very little carbohydrate and are full of heart healthy omega oils.
Turkey breast: Turkey is a great alternative to chicken and it is often significantly cheaper.
Fat free cottage cheese: Fat free cottage cheese is the perfect food to have before going to sleep. It is full of casein protein which is released slowly throughout the night, and contains almost no fat or carbohydrate.
Whey protein: Whey protein is one of the only supplements that you really do need as a bodybuilder. It is the number one choice for post exercise protein and you can consume two or three whey protein shakes throughout the day to easily increase your daily protein intake.
Broccoli: You should try and have at least two servings of these vegetables every day. You can eat broccoli cooked but I prefer to eat it raw.
Spinach: Spinach is a great tasting addition to a healthy diet.
Asparagus: Asparagus is one of the best green vegetables to eat if you are a powerlifter or bodybuilder.
Water: An often neglected aspect of a healthy diet. You should aim to consume around two to three litres of pure water every day
Low fat milk: Milk is full of calcium and contains a mixture of whey and casein protein.
Flaxseed oil: Flaxseed oil is a great addition to a healthy bodybuilding diet.
If you focus your diet around a good selection of the foods above you will find your progress in the gym improves dramatically. A healthy nutrient rich diet is perhaps the most important aspect of gaining serious muscle or losing fat and is what really separates the men from the boys when it comes to serious strength and muscle gains.
For more info on bodybuilding diet
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Owain Lewis